Happy Birthday To My Sweet B {My Story}

I just love this baby, my Brynny B turns one today!!!!  It’s so bitter sweet as she may be our last child….. might be….  😉  I’m so excited to celebrate her birthday with all of our friends and family.  After looking back on the year there have been so many memories, finding her voice…( more like screaming), learning to crawl, how she did NOT like eating rice cereal and moved stright to finger foods, and so much more.

To my sweet B, you have brought us so much joy in this first year with you.  I can’t wait to watch you grow and change into a toddler and a little girl.  Your sisters love you and you are one tough baby being carried around by Hadley… even though mommy says she’s not allowed.  Thank you for being my baby, I wish you’d never grow up.

All the mommas out there, if you have children… hug, squeeze and kiss them because they only stay tiny for so long.